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101 Strawberry Street Guest Quarters

Strawberry Street 101
Strawberry Street 101 Vanity and Sink Area
Strawberry Street 101 King Bedroom
No arrival and departure date specified yet.

The Strawberry Street Guest Quarters are located next to The Kling House Restaurant within Kitchen Kettle Village. In addition to a king bed and a Murphy cabinet bed option, this room has a private bathroom with a large, luxurious tile walk-in shower.  The room has immediate access to a pergola and outdoor seating area for the Inn's guests. This room offers a small refrigerator with separate freezer, microwave, coffee maker, free wireless internet, & cable TV.

Complimentary breakfast is provided Monday through Saturday in March-December (Complimentary lunch is offered in January-February). Guests staying over on Saturday will receive a shopping voucher in place of their Sunday breakfast. Maximum Occupancy: 4

per night
(Double Occupancy)
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